Предупреждения, Saint Luke's at the Mountain Church

Air quality

31.05 4:04 ч. сл.об. 16:04 ч. – 2.06 4:00 ч. пр.об. 04:00 ч.

Air Quality Alert issued May 31 at 9:04AM MST by NWS Phoenix AZ AQAPSR The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has issued an Ozone High Pollution Advisory for the Phoenix Metro Area on Saturday. This means that forecast weather conditions combined with existing ozone levels are expected to result in local maximum 8-hour ozone concentrations that pose a health risk. Adverse health effects increase as air quality deteriorates. Ozone is an air contaminant which can cause breathing difficulties for children, older adults, as well as persons with respiratory problems. A decrease in physical activity is recommended. You are urged to car pool, telecommute or use mass transit. The use of gasoline-powered equipment should be reduced or done late in the day. For details on this High Pollution Advisory, visit the ADEQ internet site at www.azdeq.gov/forecast/phoenix or call 602-771-2300.

National Weather Service

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