Предупреждения, Lawson Hill


3.06 11:10 ч. сл.об. 23:10 ч. – 5.06 2:10 ч. пр.об. 02:10 ч.

Minor flooding may occur along the South Esk River - Fingal to Llewellyn. Minor Flood Warning for the South Esk River at Lewis Hill and Fingal SES Flood Warnings can be found at www.TasALERT.com Flood and storm safety advice is available at www.ses.tas.gov.au Road closure information is available at www.police.tas.gov.au For emergency assistance call the SES on telephone number 132 500. For life threatening situations, call 000 immediately. The next warning will be issued by 10:30 am EST on Wednesday 05 June 2024. This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Warning, rainfall and river information are available at www.bom.gov.au/tas/flood. The latest weather forecast is available at www.bom.gov.au/tas/forecasts.

Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology

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