Предупреждения, Shmurat Nir‘am

High temperature

15.06 7:00 ч. пр.об. 07:00 ч. – 15.06 5:00 ч. сл.об. 17:00 ч.

update: Severe Early Warning of HEAVY HEAT STRESS in North, in Centeral and South Coast, in Judean Foothills, in Center Mountains, in Northern Samaria and in Negev on 15/06 from 10 until 20 LT.



15.06 3:10 ч. пр.об. 03:10 ч. – 15.06 7:00 ч. пр.об. 07:00 ч.

update: Warning of REDUCED VISIBILITY in Centeral and South Coast, in Judean Foothills and in North Western Negev on 15/06 from 06 until 10 LT. Due to fog, surface visibility is 1000 meters and may temporarily reach 500 meters, Weakening.


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