Предупреждения, Lejas Silenieki

Fire danger

18.09 10:00 ч. пр.об. 10:00 ч. – 27.09 9:00 ч. пр.об. 09:00 ч.

Despite the fact that it has rained locally, the weather in the eastern regions remains mainly dry - until 27.09.2024. high risk of forest fires remains. BE AWARE of high risk of fire in forests and bush areas! Be careful near forests and bushes - do not light bonfires, do not use pyrotechnics. Think about how to extinguish and dispose the cigarette butts and flammable liquids or objects - do not allow them to get in the forest or bushes! When working in the forest or bush area, follow all work safety and fire safety regulations. If you notice a fire, immediately notify the rescue service! Read more about what to do in case of a forest fire https://www.vugd.gov.lv/lv/ka-rikoties-meza-ugunsgreka-gadijuma !


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