Предупреждения, Bohannan Airport

Air quality

16.06 4:01 ч. пр.об. 04:01 ч. – 17.06 4:15 ч. пр.об. 04:15 ч.

Air Quality Alert issued June 16 at 12:01AM EDT by NWS Wilmington OH The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission has issued an Air Quality Alert for Central Ohio, from 6 AM this morning to 10 PM EDT this evening. Levels of ozone within the region may approach or exceed unhealthy standards. On Alert days, help reduce ozone by taking the following actions: * Carpool, if possible, bike, walk or take the bus instead of driving alone. * Refuel your vehicle after 8 pm. * Do not idle your vehicle, exhaust contributes to air pollution. * Mow your lawn in the evening hours and avoid the use of gas-powered lawn equipment. For additional information, please visit the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission's website at morpc.org/airquality

National Weather Service

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